
Fork Therapy



Is your fork reaching its fullest potential? 

At Fork Therapy, my goal is to teach you how to make the most of your fork to support health. Food can be a complex topic and it is easy to become confused as to what constitutes truly healthy food. What foods we eat, how they are produced, how they are prepared, and even when they are eaten are all aspects that can make a difference in our ability to be well. Additionally, a food that is healthy for one person can cause an adverse reaction in another. Consideration also needs to be made for how the food is prepared.   

Take for instance beans – in theory a wonderful food full of fiber, protein, folate, molybednum and magnesium. But if they are not prepared the correct way, they can actually become an anti-nutrient (leech beneficial minerals from the body). 

Certain foods or “diets” can be wonderful at particular times in one’s life but detrimental at others. For example a woman would want to take a different dietary direction while pregnant than if she were a breast cancer survivor. 

While getting to know my clients, I consider many factors prior to recommending a therapeutic diet or foods. I'll explore digestion, family history, current diet, toxic exposures and lifestyle, to develop a comprehensive individualized health plan for each and every client.

Deanna Nemes

Deanna Nemes, Nutritional Consultant, MSHN


Deanna is a firm believer that diet is a foundational key to health. She has been modifying diets with a goal toward health for almost a decade. Her introduction to therapeutic diet modification came when her daughter was diagnosed with Autism. 

After researching the role of a gluten-free/casein-free diet in the reduction of behavioral symptoms, she decided to give it a try for her (then) picky daughter.  Within two weeks her daughter experienced a drastic decrease in tantrums, forever changing the lives of everyone in the household. 

She has since earned her Master’s degree in Holistic Nutrition while using food to better the health of her entire family, and she would like to help guide you to the same success. Implementing healing diets to substituting ingredients, preparing menus and meals for the family - all with health, nutrition, taste, diversity and creativity in mind - has become a specialty for Deanna.  

Deanna is a mother to two beautiful daughters and two frisky dogs as well as a wife to an extremely supportive husband who is pretty good at building websites. She also teaches country line dance locally and is an avid yogi. Deanna is also the coordinator for TACA (Talk About Curing Autism) New York. 


There is no single diet that is beneficial for everybody. 

I believe in a "building diet", layering in foods that will support the health of an individual. The idea of diet often conjures up feelings of deprivation. I want to help my clients change their perspective and teach others to feed their body to function well.  Imagine a body flourishing with the abundance of nutrients from eating the foods it needs.   

We often don’t realize how sick we are until we actually begin to feel well. This can be within any and all aspects of our lives - physical, emotional, spiritual and mental wellness. All can be impacted by food.

Eating healthy does not have to be boring – diversity, new foods, ethnic dishes and spices can all lead to an amazing palatable experience.  Real food can taste good and be extremely satiating!

We live in a dirty world. We all need to help our bodies overcome this and help the earth whenever possible. 

Whenever possible, find healthy replacements for our favorite foods.

I don’t presume anything. I approach every client with an open mind, allowing information they relay to guide me toward the best dietary approach for their individual needs. 

I provide the level of support necessary for each client to ensure success whether it is menu preparation, shopping guides, cooking lessons or simply resource recommendations. 

Nutrition is an ever-growing field and my learning and curiosity will always be expanding.  

I do not want you as a client forever. My goal is to educate you toward independent wellness.